Low Key Weekend Recap

This weekend was a bit low key with my 6 year old under the weather with strep throat. :( Luckily, he is bouncing back...... 

I slept in Saturday morning, so by the time I was ready to run, I had no other choice but to jump on the treadmill! I was able to get in my 6 miles at an overall average of 9:28 pace. 

For the first time, since my marathon at the beginning of March, my run did not seem "pushed." My legs actually felt like what my legs felt like prior to running the marathon in early March!! I was so happy! Who knew that running a marathon would have such lasting effects on the body?!?!

Since my old legs seemed to be back, I decided to meet with the local running group for my long run! It was a small turn out with only 4 of us running..... we started out slow with the first mile 11:08 for a warm up. Then we steadily picked up the pace and ended with an overall 9:37 pace for a 10.02 mile run! I was thrilled with my run today! My legs felt good the entire time and did not have the weird heavy feeling that I have been experiencing!!! YAY! :D 

Below is the overall break down of run! For most part, each mile was a negative split......

Anyway, it is a new week! Speed work today (Monday).... I know I need speed work, but I so don't look forward to speed work!! LOL! 



How was your weekend?!?!?!

RUN? Training run? Racing? 

MONDAY...... Want to win a SPI belt?!?!

YES! You read that right!!! I am going to be giving away a SPI belt at the end of the month!!!!! Will get into the details later in the post! 

Ok, next week the coach has on my plan to start speed work on the track! Can I tell you that I am sooooooooooo very nervous about this!!! For those who have followed this blog, you know that I have only been running for about 4 years.... I am not a seasoned runner!!!! Yes, I have met my goals of completing a full marathon earlier this month, but by no means, am I a super experienced runner!!! I have no idea how to properly do speed work on a track! The coach has a Facebook site and he posted the following "Track Etiquette."

I have already started to study all of these rules!!! I so DON'T want to be that person who runs in the wrong lane of the track, or messes up another runner who most likely knows what they are doing, and I don't want to "stand" out for the wrong reasons (if you know what I mean!!!!!) 

For instance, the following video that I found on You tube shows what I DON'T want to happen!!!!!!

So, today is Monday (but this post will post Tuesday morning).... anyway, I am back on track with my training schedule.... although the weekend runs were a struggle. I ran my 3 miles this morning, and I felt good. Tomorrow, I have 5 miles. I work until 7pm tonight, so hopefully  I can roll out of bed in time to get in the 5 miles! 

OK, the give away........

I have this SPI Belt up for grabs!!!! How do you get a chance to win this fabulous and necessary runner accessory?!?! It is easy..... simply do the following (and you must at least do #1  #3 just gives an extra entry)

1- email subscribe to this blog at www.mytimerunner.com ( you will need to go to actual website to email subscribe)

2- "like" my Facebook page "My Time Runner Girl" and share the post with the SPI BELT pictured(you will need to like the post with the picture of the SPI BELT and comment that you liked and share the post with the picture of the SPI BELT). Oh and if you have already been so gracious to have already liked my FB page, simply comment in the FB post with picture of SPI Belt and share that post... so, you too can be included in drawing!)

3- and for one additional entry, follow my Instagram page at "MYTIMERUNNER" 

My SPIBELT came in handy during my marathon!!! And, a friend of my suggested safety pinning GU to the belt which worked like a champ!!!!! I will forever do this!!! And, there is no bounce to the belt!!! I LOVE MINE! 

Gotta run..... UNTIL LATER!!!!!!!!! 


Do you perform formal speed work at a track? 

Ever had a nervous track experience?

Any tips for track speed work--- any DOs and Don'ts will be much appreciated! 

Sunday.....Not a run to brag about & re-thinking goals

Sunday, long run day...... Well, this wasn't the best feeling run. My pace was good, but the run seemed to be a bit "pushed." Strange how in marathon training, you work up the mileage, and a 15 or 17 mile run seems to be somewhat "easy"..... but then you take a bit of hiatus to recover from the marathon and 8-10 miles seems labor intensive! I have been told this, but honestly, you don't know what other runners mean by this until you experience it for yourself. The feeling I have at the moment is making me "re-think" my goals. 

I met up with some fellow runners who were on their game. Me? Not so much! But, it was nice to chat and run about 4-4.5 miles with them before cutting off. The chatting always makes the run not seem so challenging..... especially when you felt the way I did today! 

BREAK DOWN OF TODAY'S RUN! 8.06 miles @ 9:12 average pace

MILE 1- 9:50 (was feeling ok, thought to myself, I think I got this today!)

MILE 2- 9:21 (still ok, felt a bit better.... really thought I had this run in the bag! Can't ever tell a run by mile 1, but by mile 2, usually you have an idea of how run will be that day!)

MILE 3- 9:09 (Slight incline occurs around this time of the run... I started to feel this weird right hamstring tightness that I have been experiencing lately)

MILE 4- 9:00 (Ok, this is when I said "enough".... going too fast... I felt my breathing becoming a bit more labored. This is when I knew that I would bail from the group at a street that I know takes me back to where we park, and if I was a bit short on miles, there is a park to circle if needed)

*****NOTE: It is strange how just the amount of "seconds" with pace can break a runners threshold. Or, at least, this is the case with me... honestly, I can usually run a 9:05-9:15 pace, and I am just pushing a little, but then anything under that, quickly it seems that I am pushing & breathing becomes labored. This is when things that I have read about  long runs circle around in my head stating that long runs should be about a minute to minute and half slower than race pace...... I also hear the coach saying, "No huffing or puffing!!!" 

MILE 5- 9:24 (Oh, I felt better.... instantly better. My breathing was controlled, and I did not feel that pushing sensation I was experiencing. 

MILE 6- 9:03 (Ok, better pace..... still felt "good,"  no huffing and puffing...... mile 6 was good!)

MILE 7- 9:14 (still felt better..... still had breathing under control. I knew that I was good to get in the last mile..... this is when another runner joined me as well since I had bumped into him when I got back to area where our cars are parked. He ran the last mile with me... I was feeling good....we chatted and the mile went quick! 

MILE 8- 8:42 (Maybe I was just getting into the groove, or I was just so stinkin' happy to be running the last mile of my long run today... either way, Mile 8 flew--- literally!!!!

*** Then, I hopped on the track that is nearby to where our cars are parked and I walked a mile, stretched, and jumped into my car.... Although the run did not feel the greatest for the first half of it, I have to say, I was so GLAD to have ran today! Felt good, although I wasn't feeling the greatest about the run!!! :D

Found the below quote on Pinterest at ilovetorun.org .... this is so very true!!!!! As long as you get out there and run, that is all that matters! No matter how crappy the run feels!!!!! Trust me, you never regret choosing to run! 

I have been lately thinking about some running goals...... I think goals are important to have because goals give you motivation to work toward something...... Goals make it easier to be disciplined to stick with something like running. Anyway, I really considered running a full marathon in Jan 2017. I picked this Jan 2017 race because it is flat and the time of year shouldn't be too hot. I would LOVE to run the marathon I ran this year again, but it looks like my weekend walk in call will fall on that very weekend. BUT..... I am starting to re-think the full marathon. I so wanted to plan another full marathon because I know what it feels like to meet miles 20-26.2.... I know, I know..... every race is different because so many things can affect a person's running like illness, injury, weather, life getting in the way of training, hydration, eating right, etc...... But, I really wanted to take on a full marathon without the fear of the unknown in reference to the last miles! Plus, I would like to see if I could train to improve and maybe run smarter! 

Don't get me wrong, I am very proud of my first marathon time of 4:30:39..... but I would like to run a marathon with the knowledge I have now. Anyway, that may be a couple years out. For now, I am thinking I need to focus on getting faster. Maybe get faster with 5K and half marathon times! Not sure..... decisions, decisions, decisions.....

Gotta get dinner going.... UNTIL LATER! Thank you to those that support my blog... whether you email subscribe, liked my Facebook page "My Time Runner Girl", follow on twitter @mytimerunnergir, or on instagram at My Time Runner. I really appreciate your support. I love reading emails that I receive and post to the social media site. I appreciate those who have shared my FB page as well. I went from barely 50 follower to 139... couldn't do it without you guys! Thank you!!! :D


**Do you have running goals? If yes, please share!!! 

**Do running goals motivate you? Or do you simply just run with no goal in mind?

**If you have ran a marathon, did it seem like a struggle running miles under 10 miles? Would make me feel better if this just didn't apply to me!

Monday...... FITBIT vs Treadmill................

Yeah, soooooooo, remember me bragging that I didn't bruise or lose a toenail during marathon training or during actual marathon race? Well, 2 1/2 weeks out, I noticed my toenail was bruised!!! Weird that it took so long! I kept meaning to take a picture, but kept forgetting. Finally, I did remember, but you can see it is resolving with the yellow discoloration setting in......  which is a sign that the bruise is about to be gone. I know it wasn't related to my runs after the marathon, because I really have only been running about 3 times a week since early March, and I have only been running short distances........... but, on a positive note, I didn't lose a toenail!!! Right?!?!! There is always a positive look at things.... LOL :D

********Treadmill vs Fitbit

So, this morning, I decided to see just how well my fitbit would correlate with the treadmill..... I have to say, It was a FITBIT FAIL!!!!!!

Treadmill showed 3.005 miles at 28:37 which is a 9:31 pace. The fitbit??! Well, it showed that I ran 2.52 miles instead!! Which would mean I was 0.5 miles less than my scheduled run this morning. If I had solely went by my fitbit, I would still be running!!! Oh well!!! I still love the Fitbit for all other things it has to offer...... but as for treadmill running, I won't even bother put it on.... unless I need to monitor heart rate..... which maybe I should..... hammy

Saturday morning, I decided to sleep in..... I didn't set alarm because my alarm would be my 6 year old son! HA! HA! Anyway, about 8am, my son woke me up. We decided to go out and check out the garden!! Starting to see some ground breaking!!! So exciting!!! The garden seems slow growing at first, but in the next couple weeks, things will grow like crazy! 

Yeah, I just rolled out of bed.... pinned my hair up, got dressed, and headed out the door...... hence why my hair looks like a hot mess! LOL! :D 

My son and I found this HUGE ant hill!!! Amazing that such a tiny little creature could build a gigantic hill..... this thing was monstrous!! Seriously, the pictures don't do it justice!! And, you don't dare step on this... here in South Georgia we have FIRE ANTS!!!!!! They will crawl on you, and then they send a signal, and they all sting you at once!!!! This is a creature to fear!!! A fire ant may be small, but they are to be feared!!!! No joke! 

Sunday morning, my son went on an Easter egg hunt..... at 6 years old, he is quite speedy now and most of my pictures look like the one below! LOL! :D 

I did managed to get one full picture that I posted to my Instagram My Time Runner, but all others look like this one!!! It was fun.... all that matters! 

Well, gotta run...... Monday routine is on..... well, my son is on spring break which means I didn't have to pack his lunch, but I still need to get myself ready and out the door!!! HAPPY MONDAY!!



***********Found any gps/running watch that correlated with treadmill?

***********Fun weekend? Do tell.....

***********Running goals? Still working on mine......... hummmmmmm