As I have mention in the past, running on the treadmill gives me too much time to think..... and today, was no different! As I was running, I began to think about how awesome treadmill running is.....ok, perhaps I was trying to convince myself that treadmill really wasn't that bad in order to get the miles done! :D
Anyway, I came up with 10 reasons why there is LOVE for the Treadmill (not in any particular order):
1-Treadmills have convenient holders that you can place your water bottle, GU, cool cloth, etc... all within hands reach!!!
2- There is a fan that you can turn on to keep cool when sweating...
3- You can literally wear ANYTHING!!!! Everyone knows that the hardest thing about getting an early morning run in is getting dressed and laced up! Well, on a treadmill, you can literally run in your underwear! All you have to do is throw on your socks & running shoes, and you are on your way..... of course us girls have to also put on our sport's bra.....but hey, maybe you can sleep in it, and then you are back to only needing to throw on socks and shoes! (of course, this is assuming you are running on your personal treadmill, and not one at a public gym) :D
4- If you go to the gym, you can run with your super fast running friends!!! They can run their speedy pace and you at your pace, but yet you stay together and can chat!
5- Hate to wear ear buds? No worries, on the treadmill you can listen to a radio, stereo, etc
6-A BATHROOM IS ALWAYS NEARBY!!!! you don't have to worry about doing your business in bushes, trees, woods, etc......
7- Weather doesn't matter!!!! Raining, lightening, snowing..... the treadmill offers a control environment to run in!!!!!
8-Literally, you can run anytime!!! Up at 2am? Go for a run.....
9- You can watch TV!!!!! Watch a movie..... or catch up on your shows that you had to DVR!!!
10- Safety.... no worries about animals chasing you, getting bugged by insects (get it? "bugged".... LOL.... corny, I know), or worrying about distracted drivers that may be texting.........
So, there you have it.....all the things going through my brain during my run this morning!!! Now, time to get ready for work!!! HAPPY TUESDAY!!!
UNTIL LATER.....................
Run on treadmill often? How do you pass the time?.... Please share!!! I need all the suggestions that I can get to get through my treadmill runs!